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#NWED Women in Business Female Entrepreneurs
#NWED Women in Business Female Entrepreneurs

10 September 2019

On October 17th I will have the honour of interviewing a panel of successful women in business from Louth and Meath to hear how they are #MakingItHAppen


Bringing it Back to the Core
Bringing it Back to the Core

04 May 2016

If you’re a small business owner and find you’re spending most of your time on non-revenue generating tasks, you’re not alone! Most owner/managers that I meet report that as their business grows they have less time for strategic planning and business development, critical functions for growing the company. Taking a step back and becoming critically reflective of your decisions and actions leads to a clear focus and thinking and better planning for your growing business.


Go on EXPOse Yourself
Go on EXPOse Yourself

10 April 2015


Let's Talk Networking
Let's Talk Networking

19 May 2014

So what do you think of when you hear the word Newtorking? For a lot of people they feel shy and uncomfortable and avoid these situations. So let’s take the fear and mystery out of networking and make it easy…


Steps to succeed for women in business!
Steps to succeed for women in business!

16 October 2013

Embarking on self-employment or life as an entrepreneur can pose challenges for anyone but finding the work-life balance can be a particular challenge for women. In recent years we have seen a significant increase in female representation in the workplace, however our representation as entrepreneurs is still relatively low. In general we take a different approach to starting up a business and are less likely to jump in and take a risk, we are more cautious and have a greater fear of failing. So what steps can we take to entrepreneurial success?…


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a: Knowth, Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland
m: +353 87 254 9434
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