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Lorraine Murphy is an Executive Coach, Training Consultant and Speaker Bringing a New Perspective to Your Business.

With over 20 years experience in training and coaching I work with business owners, senior management and executives to help develop strong leaders driving you, your business and your staff be the very best they can be.

Based on my experience I have achieved great success in coaching individuals and organisations to achieve personal, professional and commercial success.
My ethos is simple – to help – by heightening awareness of existing skills & resources helping you and your staff identify the strategies needed to succeed.



FREE consultation on communication & supporting staff during Covid-19

I am offering free 20 min consultations via zoom to help businesses support their employees during the current Covid-19 crisis. These sessions will cover effective communication strategies and how to maintain morale while teams are working remotely.

Please email or call +353 87 254 9434.




Remote working is the new norm for many businesses. Is yours ready?

Remote working has changed the logistical landscape of the modern business world. COVID-19 forced employees out of the workplace environment to work from home which meant the end of long commutes and clocking in and out of the office. Research shows that this sudden change in work practices has created huge expectations for remote working to become a permanent feature in future operations.

However as many managers and business owners will contest, managing remote teams brings a unique set of challenges.

Read my new blog post on how to make remote working a success and the 7 elements of an effective strategy for managing remote teams.







